JP01誌面切り抜き!①-読者特典あり!札幌プリンスホテル ブッフェレストラン ハプナ Readers special offers! Sapporo Prince Hotel Buffet Restaurant Hapuna

この投稿では、2024/2/19に発行する最新号【JP01特別号 2024春】から、P.43に掲載の「PICK UP! 札幌マチナカグルメ」の最初の記事、「札幌プリンスホテル ブッフェレストラン ハプナ」をご紹介!
*The English text here has been translated by AI.

札幌プリンスホテル ブッフェレストラン ハプナ
Buffet with a wide variety of Japanese, Western, and Chinese dishes from Hokkaido’s bounty. Sapporo Prince Hotel Buffet Restaurant Hapuna
大切な人と語らいながら美味しい料理を心ゆくまで楽しむ―そんなシーンにピッタリなのが、「ブッフェレストラン ハプナ」だ。陽光が射し込む開放的な空間に足を踏み入れた瞬間に特別な時間が始まる。
Enjoy delicious food to your heart’s content while talking with your loved ones – the Buffet Restaurant Hapuna is the perfect place for such a scene. A special time begins the moment you step into the open space with sunlight shining through.
Many restaurant buffets in Japan have a time limit of 60 or 90 minutes to eat. However, at Hapuna buffet, you can spend a leisurely time for both lunch and dinner. For this reason, many customers visit at 11:30 AM when the buffet opens for lunch, enjoy their meal while gazing at the many dishes, and spend the entire time until dessert and coffee are served after the meal.
The menu changes with the seasons, offers a wide range of Japanese, Western, and Chinese dishes, and includes a demonstration corner offering freshly prepared dishes. This February and March, beef steak and chicken stewed in tomato sauce and melted cheese will be available.
We hope you will be impressed by the food and immerse yourself in a quality time that will make you forget your hectic daily life.

Readers special offers
ランチブッフェ 通常料金大人3,200円のところ、
Web reservation-only special offer for JP01 readers
Lunch Buffet: The regular price for adults is 3,200 yen, but it is reduced to 2,880 yen for adults!
※受付期間:2024年02月19日(月) 〜 2024年06月30日(日)(このプランは、予告なく終了する場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。)
Click here to reserve your Readers special offers plan.
The reception period is scheduled to be from February 19th to June 30th, 2024.
Please note that this plan may end without notice.
Seniors 65 and older and children under elementary school age can use this plan at a discount without having to choose this plan. (free for children under 3 years old)

ブッフェレストラン ハプナ
Sapporo Prince Hotel
Buffet Restaurant Hapuna
11 Nishi, Minami 2-jo, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Sapporo Prince Hotel 1F
11:30 AM – 2:30 PM
(Last order: food 2:00 PM, drinks and desserts 2:15 PM)
Dinner: 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM (Last order: 8:30 PM)
Tel: +81-(0)11-241-1251 (Restaurant Reservations Section)
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM